Who We Are

How We Came Together

In May 2021, Myriam had to let go of her best friend, her galga Laila. In Laila's honor, this was the starting point for the publication of the popular book series Sighthound Stories. For this unique project, animal welfare advocates from all over the world joined in drawing attention to the plight of sighthounds, and reporting their own experiences with the suffering and injustice done to these gracious dogs. Eva, Linda, and Mary Jane also contributed great texts to Volume II.

As it sometimes happens in life, deep personal connections developed. In March 2023, we came together to brainstorm – where there are needs, and what we could possibly do to make a difference. There is a great need for education among the Spanish population as well. We decided to create an international network to not only draw attention to the fate of galgos, but to actively help give them a better future.

Our Goals

Highlighting the incredible job that rescue workers do every day in Spain


Giving abused galgos a chance at finding a loving home to live life in dignity


Showing how the galgo can blossom into a treasured and beloved family member


Raising sighthound awareness, and encouraging dog lovers to get involved


Creating a worldwide network advocating for a better future for the galgos

Meet Our Team
Susu Stolle

We couldn't believe our luck when this talented artist agreed to create our logo. Thanks a lot for your pro bono support.

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Kai Behning

We thank our experienced IT pro for an amazing and gratuitous technical implementation of our entire website.

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Tere Freire Brito

We thank you very much for the pro bono editing of the Spanish translations, a few days before the birth of your second son.

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