In May 2021, Myriam had to let go of her best friend, her galga Laila. In Laila's honor, this was the starting point for the publication of the popular book series Sighthound Stories. For this unique project, animal welfare advocates from all over the world joined in drawing attention to the plight of sighthounds, and reporting their own experiences with the suffering and injustice done to these gracious dogs. Eva, Linda, and Mary Jane also contributed great texts to Volume II.
As it sometimes happens in life, deep personal connections developed. In March 2023, we came together to brainstorm – where there are needs, and what we could possibly do to make a difference. There is a great need for education among the Spanish population as well. We decided to create an international network to not only draw attention to the fate of galgos, but to actively help give them a better future.
Highlighting the incredible job that rescue workers do every day in Spain
Giving abused galgos a chance at finding a loving home to live life in dignity
Showing how the galgo can blossom into a treasured and beloved family member
Raising sighthound awareness, and encouraging dog lovers to get involved
Creating a worldwide network advocating for a better future for the galgos
In 2002, our family of five moved from Regensburg, Germany, to the U.S. After a few moves around the country, my husband and I now reside with our three galgos in a small town close to Chicago, Illinois.
My first encounter with galgos happened in the summer of 2013 during a family vacation in Andalusia, Spain. In one of the villages, we noticed a truckload of dogs pent up in a huge cage in the back of a vehicle. A sad sight that I never forgot, and I wondered about their fate. After doing some research, I learned about the plight of the galgos in Spain; and later, about rescue organizations. In the spring of 2021, we finally adopted our first galga and quickly learned that you can't just have only one.
Filippa, my first galga, also became my first registered therapy dog. We visit nursing homes, schools, hospitals, libraries, and special events, and we find it very rewarding to put smiles on people's faces and to brighten their day.
In 2023, I published my vegan cookbook Vegan Soul Adventure – 89 Recipes to Love and Enjoy. My family and I are long-time vegans for ethical reasons. Doing my part to end animal suffering plays an essential role in my life.
I am Mary Jane and I live in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, USA. Sighthounds have been beloved members of my family for many years. Currently I have two Spanish galgos, one American greyhound, and one cautious house cat. I volunteer at a shelter in Spain, and assist with adoptions of these special dogs. I am retired from the local county forest preserve district, and share a respect and appreciation for the natural world with my fellow collaborators on this website.
Following their adoption in my home, many of my sighthounds assume a new role as therapy dogs, enriching the lives of those whom they encounter. Galgos represent the power of resilience – despite an often difficult early life – and also the ability to forgive and to love, when they are treated with kindness. They display an example of these qualities for all of us to consider, and they are an inspiration and a constant joy in my life.
My name is Eva Quirbach and I live with my four galgas in Sweden.
Even as a child, I was enchanted by sighthounds. As a teenager, I saw a woman walking on the street with three salukis, and that was it. As an adult, having had salukis, I decided to adopt my first galga from Spain in 2012. This is where my life goals took a clear turn.
I had been extremely career driven as a fashion photographer up until this point, but Fiffi set all my priorities straight.
She was just made out of pure love.
Since Fiffi, 5 more galgas have followed, to bless my family and home.
Today I could never imagine living without these graceful hounds. The way they communicate with you, intertwining their soul with yours in complete trust. That's the most precious gift I have ever received.
My name is Myriam, and I love galgos. I have been living with these magical dogs in Germany and Spain since 2008, and can't imagine a life without them.
My pet family currently consists of two galgos and one cat, all from Spanish shelters. I am a translator, passionate about writing and photography. That's how it came about that I published the book series Sighthound Stories after the death of my soulmate, my galga Laila.
I support some shelters because I believe in a life full of dignity, happiness, and freedom for these gorgeous dogs. They have taught me how to develop a sense for the vitality of the moment – by being attentive, and experiencing nature with all our senses. They embody independence and a stunning tenderness. They are my purpose in life, my inspiration.
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