This is a long-term commitment! Think twice BEFORE you make this decision. Ask yourself if you can always provide food, medical care, time, and love for your dog. This is a rescue dog who already has gone through a lot. If you work all day outside of the house, can you afford to hire a pet-sitting service to check in on your dog, spend some time with them, and let them out? If your answers to all these questions is "yes", it will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Please read our Little Galgo Manual to see what's walking on 4 (or maybe less) paws straight into your heart!
Shelters and adoption groups wouldn't be able to operate without donations. No matter if it's money (and, literally, any amount helps), food, harnesses, leashes, coats – everything is highly appreciated. Another way to donate (with a lovely win/win experience) is to participate in Facebook auctions for galgos. Just "google" exactly that – "Facebook auctions for galgos" – and you will find a lot of them with many beautiful items to fall in love with.
A wonderful and very selfless way to donate is by telling your friends and family that, instead of a gift for your birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, or any other occasion, you would like them to donate in your honor to your chosen galgo rescue organization or adoption group.
You can also donate to Facebook fundraisers organized by galgo rescue shelters or adoption groups. You can "google" those fundraisers as well.
Fostering a galgo for the necessary time to find the perfect home is an ideal way to find out more about this breed, about the galgos' wonderful, good-natured, forgiving attitude towards humans, and maybe even some very excusable "flaws". Don't be surprised if you end up being what's called a "foster failure"! You'd not be a failure but a winner in all aspects.
A great way to become involved in galgo/sighthound rescue is by sponsoring one, or even several, dogs in Spanish shelters. All our featured shelters offer the option to collaborate by sponsoring a hound. In doing so, you create a personal relationship to the dog(s), you receive updates about their well-being, information about pending adoptions and, finally, the exhilarating news that they have arrived safely on their forever couch.
Shelters in Spain and adoption groups in several countries wouldn't be able to function without the help of volunteers. If you are already planning a visit to Spain, or want to support the shelters by physically helping, why not spend some time volunteering in one of our featured shelters? Help is always needed and much appreciated.
Contact the galgo rescue/adoption organizations in your area and find out if any help with transport/flight escort is needed.
You can of course fundraise yourself by creating a birthday fundraiser on Facebook and/or involving your family and friends and their creative minds. Kids especially love to be in charge of projects like this. From lemonade stands to selling their outgrown sports gear for this wonderful cause, anything counts.
There are many ways to do this:
You can share posts of rescue shelters and adoption groups on social media.
You can bring up the topic during conversations or by doing anything mentioned in Using Your Skills.
You can share this website and support its social media posts by liking and sharing.
If you are an artist, use your unique skills to draw, paint, sculpt, carve, photograph, make a movie, music – dance it all out on this topic – and share on social media or wherever possible!
If you are part of a company that supports a matching gift option, please make your voice heard for the Spanish sighthounds!
If you are a politician, please use your voice and influence to bring Spain's disgrace to an end!
Use your skills to end the horrific, senseless traditions in beautiful Spain!
Your voice is a powerful tool that can be used to intervene in cases of unkind treatment, or even cruelty, not only towards galgos but all animals in general. If you witness any mistreatment, make your voice heard and others aware of the situation. Sometimes, you might even need the help of the authorities.
Stand up for animal welfare when the topic arises in conversations. By doing that, you can call yourself a true advocate for animals. Be a voice for the voiceless!